As the country’s condition worsens, with every minute being a struggle to safeguard your family and friends from COVID-19 and if getting it, give them necessary treatments amongst the famine of oxygen cylinders and necessary medicines and injections. It is truly a scary situation to live in. It is reported that every 3 minutes a person dies in Maharashtra and the situation keeps getting worse. 

And this blog is not written to give you more anxiety amidst the chaos but to make you aware that the situation is honestly scary and if you are safe in your homes, stay there and be grateful. The need to go out and to relax is real, but not necessary. The necessity in the country for COVID- 19 right now is blocking the spread of the virus and widening the health infrastructure, spreading awareness, and linking people to necessary plasma donors and oxygen leads. The people who are linking these leads on the forefront currently are influencers. 

Influencers are helping to amplify the needs of the people across different cities by putting up stories. These stories contain both the necessity of the patient and the availability of plasma donors, oxygen cylinders, and remdesivir injections. With active sharing of stories and checking DMs for the connections, many influencers are being able to do good for the people in need. Not only this but also creating content around the awareness of donations and other COVID-19 related precautions have been found recently. Be it the new generation gen-z or the millennials, everyone seems to be in this together helping their followers get through the difficult times. 

Prashasti Singh, a comedian, and an influencer, recently shared a heartfelt experience that she was going through, arranging oxygen cylinders for her mother. She clearly states how scary the situation is and how it is a struggle to find even cylinders one after the other. 

Sherry Shroff, an influencer and a YouTuber quoted, “Honestly I think this is just the basic need of the hour. We all have to do what we can. And everyone should share what they can irrespective of what they do and how many followers they have. 

Massom Minawala, with over 1 million Instagram followers has been constantly working towards one goal to connect as many people as she can, and she also confirms that the leads she shares are personally verified by her. 

Kusha Kapila, with over 1.7 million followers is at the forefront, constantly asking questions, getting leads, and sharing them with the patients. With her stories flooded, it is necessary to appreciate the hard work that is being put into the content that has to be created for brands as well as her personal accounts. 

Chef Saransh Goila with over 5 lakh Instagram followers has succeeded to contact over 550 meal providers for COVID-19 patients across the country in 13 states 

It is being observed that many influencers are now realizing their social responsibility and coming ahead to help their followers with the number of contacts and power they hold. 

However, we have a few leads and verified addresses to help you in times of need too. Here are some- 


The official website of the government will help you to track the latest information about the country, get helpline numbers for all states and union territories, and also information related to curfew and lockdown. The right place to go to instead of believing on WhatsApp forwards. 


This website is a one-stop destination for all the resources that you will need to help anyone who is struggling with Covid-19. Hospital beds, ambulance, food, injections, donors, oxygen cylinders, etc. are regularly updated on this website and you can also add verified information for the same here. It is the ultimate guide to get verified links. 


This app was actually created by a Twitter user. This app is also a store of information for the resources available in your city and state. This app also contains subcategories- food, donor, ambulance, cylinders, hospital beds, etc. A great help in times of emergency. 


This Instagram account is also working to get leads and help people with the same. They said that they understand there is constant pressure on the health infrastructure of the country and hence are trying to help as much as they can. They also mentioned that they wouldn’t recommend people messaging them their needs because the load in the message is already heavy and would make no difference there. But they will be sharing all the leads online on the page that will help everyone in general. 


Dr. Reddy’s laboratories recently launched a website Ready to Fight COVID-19. This website is dedicated to avail the information of remdesivir. This website lists all the hospitals and pharmacies that have these injections across India. It also contains a 24/7 helpline number (1800-266-708) that helps people with COVID-19 medication. 

Concluding the information, we would just suggest you stay home and while you are at home, do your bit to help people around you. Put up stories and help people connect, even though you think you do not have many followers or are constantly annoying people, do it. Somebody might get real help because of your one Instagram story. Take care of yourselves and everyone above 18, get vaccinated from May 1. Believe in science, let it take care of you. Stay Safe and Aware, we will get through this. 

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